Monday, March 14, 2011

My Weekend

Overall my weekend was pretty good! Friday I had a sleepover with Alia, Savanna and Amanda, and we went skating then to mcdonalds then back to skating. Haha it was pretty fun! On Saturday my grandma and uncle came from Langley to visit us. :) we watched Kung Fu Panda and I laughed by butt off to that hilarious movie ahah ! Finally on Sunday I decided to take on the roll of a couch potato and watched tv all day long! What a great day =D

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tattoo Photoshop

Winter: for or against

 I love winter because of the cold weather with the snow, and with christmas and seeing my family.  But this year i personally think its been way too cold, some nights even got down to -20*C.  The cold weather seems to be lasting forever this year and I am getting tired of the mucky snow and ice cold winds.  Yes, I always get excited for the snow each year during the winter and I like it when it stays around for about a month.  So please winter can you go away and come back next year! :)